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Spring Bioscience



Spring Bioscience is creating working protocols for immunohistochemistry using our antibodies. In addition to the protocol recommendation in the datasheets of each antibody, here you will find protocols to some of our antibodies using the DISCOVERY XT ?.

Root Catalog Number Product Name
E128 CD34 (Endothelial Cell Marker)
E1345 AKT-1/PKB (phospho S473)
E1381 GLUT-1
E1650 CEA/CD66e
E1736 CD44 Std
E1737 CD44 Std
E1754 CD34 (Endothelial Cell Marker)
E1868 CD163
E266 Dystrophin
E266 Dystrophin
E297 CEA/CD66e
E341 Claudin-1
E341 Claudin-1
M306 Ki-67 (SP6)
M306 Ki-67 (SP6)
M307 CD3 (SP7)
M307 CD3 (SP7)
M320 Vimentin (SP20)
M336 Syntaxin 1A (SP36)
M336 Syntaxin 1A (SP36)
M337 CD44 Std (SP37)
M338 CD31 (SP38)
M338 CD31 (SP38)
M343 Caveolin-1 (SP43)
M343 Caveolin-1 (SP43)
M347 BAX (SP47)
M349 Stathmin (SP49)
M349 Stathmin (SP49)
M376 SOX-2 (SP76)
M376 SOX-2 (SP76)
M381 Calpain (SP81)
M381 Calpain (SP81)
M396 CD163 (SP96)
M398 CD278/ICOS (SP98)
M403 Nestin (SP103)
M405 J-chain (SP105)
M405 J-chain (SP105)
M408 IKAROS (SP108)
M415 F4/80 (SP115)
M415 F4/80 (SP115)
M422 SLIT2 (SP122)
M422 SLIT2 (SP122)
M518 PTEN (SP218)
M442 PD-L1/CD274 (SP142)


Spring Bioscience是一家專注于組織病理學(xué)和免疫組化的生物技術(shù)公司,公司總部位于美國加利福尼亞普萊斯頓。該公司有大量應(yīng)用于IHC的兔單克隆抗體,同時也是將這些抗體引入市場的公司之一。所有SP克隆抗體都是Spring Bioscience設(shè)計生產(chǎn)的,SP克隆抗體憑借其高親和性、靈敏度及特異性一直是同類免疫組化產(chǎn)品中*好的,多年以來Spring Bioscience的SP克隆抗體在實驗室獲得黃金標準的美譽。

Our Product Lines

Spring Bioscience - Antibodies


Spring Bioscience offers a list of Rabbit Monoclonal (SP Clones), Rabbit Polyclonal and Mouse Monoclonal primary antibodies. These antibodies are developed specifically for use in immunohistochemistry (IHC).

View ?Detection & Ancillaries

Detection & Ancillaries

Spring Bioscience offers a complete line of detection systems and reagents optimized for use in immunohostiochemistry and are designed to meet the complex needs of research laboratories.

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Recombinant Protiens

Recombinant Proteins

Spring Bioscience offers a list of proteins expressed in E. coli. Depending on the protein, these can be either full length or partial sequence and are fused at the N-terminus wit GST/His-tag.

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Spring Bioscience-New Products

New Products

Spring Bioscience continuously innovates and releases new products throughout the year. We strive to increase our product offering while maintaining the high quality expected by our customers.

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Spring Bioscience是專給國際知名品牌代工的全球性抗體公司之一,它的一抗有三種規(guī)格:0.1ml(濃縮型),1ml(濃縮型),7ml(即用型),其中0.1ml抗體大部分價格在1700元以下。進口的質(zhì)量,比其他進口抗體更具優(yōu)勢的價格及放心的售后服務(wù),Spring Bioscience抗體是您的*優(yōu)選擇。

Spring Bioscience是雌激素受體SP1克隆抗體(Cat#M3014)的研發(fā)者及**擁有者。

Spring Bioscience是一家專注于組織病理學(xué)和免疫組化的生物技術(shù)公司,它有大量IHC的兔單克隆抗體,同時也是將這些抗體引入市場的公司之一,所有SP克隆抗體都是Spring Bioscience設(shè)計生產(chǎn)的,SP克隆抗體憑借其高親和性、靈敏度及特異性一直是同類免疫組化產(chǎn)品中*好的,多年以來Spring Bioscience的SP克隆抗體在實驗室獲得黃金標準的美譽。

Spring Bioscience是專給全球諸多國際知名品牌代工的全球性公司之一,它的一抗有三種規(guī)格:0.1ml(濃縮型),1ml(濃縮型),7ml(型),其中0.1ml抗體大部分報價在1600元左右。進口的質(zhì)量、比其他進口抗體更具優(yōu)勢的價格及放心的售后服務(wù), Spring抗體是您的不二之選。

spring bioscience絲氨酸/蘇氨酸蛋白激酶B-RAF(BRAF)是Raf家族的一員。 BRAF突變在良性和惡性腫瘤是常見的。 BRAF改變和突變誘導(dǎo)激活段的構(gòu)象變化中BRAF V600E突變占絕大多數(shù),導(dǎo)致組成型激酶活性的BRAF的和下游目標連續(xù)的磷酸化。已在黑色素瘤,甲狀腺**狀癌,多形性xanthoastrocytomas,朗格漢斯細胞組織細胞增生癥,卵巢交界性腫瘤,節(jié)細胞膠質(zhì)瘤,結(jié)直腸癌,毛細胞型星形細胞瘤檢測到BRAF V600E突變。


TechnologyMouse Monoclonal

Clone NameVE1

ApplicationIHC-P, WB

Species Reactivity


Predicted by homology

IsotypeMouse IgG2a

ImmunogenSynthetic peptide representing the BRAF V600E mutated amino acid sequence from amino acid 596 to 606 (GLATEKSRWSG)

Cellular LocalizationCytoplasm

Control TissueColon Carcinoma with BRAF V600E mutation

Regulatory RatingResearch Use Only (RUO)


Storage Requirement2-8°C

Target Molecular Weight95 kDa

FormulationRefer to Data Sheet

Catalog No. Volume Dilution

E19290 0.1ml 50

E19292 0.5ml 50

E19294 1.0ml 50

Our family of companies and history

Spring Bioscience Corporation (Spring) develops and manufactures rabbit monoclonal antibodies designed for use in IHC. Founded by scientists with a primary focus on IHC, Spring has developed a proprietary antibody menu of highly-sensitive “SP” clones that yield specificity and consistency for use in research. Spring was acquired by Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (Ventana) in 2007 for its strong development capabilities, and shortly thereafter Ventana was acquired by Roche. Today Spring serves as the antibody center of excellence for all of Roche Tissue Diagnostics.

Our approach

Spring utilizes a diverse knowledge base for design input and keeps a strong focus on IHC throughout the entire antibody development process enabling us to deliver highly-defined and consistent SP clones. Spring’s pipeline focuses on novel targets requiring an exceptional understanding of biomarkers in order to deliver specificity. We collaborate with pharma partners and industry key opinion leaders for insights about specific biomarkers, and perform extensive research and evaluation to develop antibodies that bind appropriate biomarker sequences.

Commitment to quality

We are an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, with a focus on our commitment to product quality and continuous improvement.? Additionally, our reputation of collaboration with strategic partners, including those with affiliates such as Roche Diagnostics and Genentech, and with our research customers speaks to our dedication to advancing the industry as a whole.

Our technology

Spring uses proprietary recombinant technology to develop best-in-class rabbit monoclonal antibodies. Our technology ensures efficient scaling of manufacturing, lot to lot consistency, and reproducibility.

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