
  文件名稱:  Innovative Research Monoclonal & Polyclonal Antibodies Immunoadsorbed Antibodies Immobilized & Inhi
  公司名稱:  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   1646

Innovative Research Monoclonal & Polyclonal Antibodies Immunoadsorbed Antibodies Immobilized & Inhi

Monoclonal & Polyclonal Antibodies Immunoadsorbed Antibodies Immobilized & Inhibitory Antibodies Antiserum Preparations IgG Fractionated Preparations Affinity Purified Preparations

Offering a wide range of Mono/Poly Antibodies in various preparations to best suit your research application. We deliver reliable, consistent products that produce reliable, consistent results all study long.

At Innovative Research, we understand just how important it is to source reliable, consistent products to meet exact research needs. We offer monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies from numerous species against a wide range of target antigens in many standard and specialized options.

MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES We offer a wide range of both human and animal monoclonal antibodies (including anti-bovine, mouse, porcine, rabbit, and rat, among others) that can be used for numerous applications, including Western Blot, ELISA & Assay, Immunohistochemistry, and so much more. Many monoclonal antibodies are available in labeled preparations, as well.

POLYCLONAL ANTIBODIES Our polyclonal antibodies from human and animal sources are available in a range of purifications to best suit your research need including popular options like antiserum, fractionated, and affinity purified preparations. At Innovative Research, we have the high-quality reagents trusted by top researchers and institutions around the world.

SPECIALIZED PREPARATIONS Our range of labeled antibody preparations are available in biotin, FITC, and HRP, to name a few. We also have immunoadsorbed, immobilized, and inhibitory antibodies ready off-the-shelf in the specialized preparations that make your research easier. Let us manage the preparation of antibodies so you can get back to what you do best.
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