
  文件名稱:  Innovative Research Whole Blood, Plasma, Serum Animal Tissues and Organs Cell Culture Grade Products
  公司名稱:  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   1887

Innovative Research Whole Blood, Plasma, Serum Animal Tissues and Organs Cell Culture Grade Products

Whole Blood, Plasma, Serum Animal Tissues and Organs Cell Culture Grade Products Custom Lots and Collections Highly Purified Animal Proteins Polyclonal & Monoclonal Antibodies

Offering a wide range of Animal Biologicals for in-vitro research use. With products available from a diverse group of species, we deliver reliable, consistent products that produce reliable, consistent results all study long.

At Innovative Research, we understand just how important it is to source reliable, consistent products to meet exact research needs. We have various biological products available from a wide range of species, large and small, and can accommodate most custom requests.

BLOOD, PLASMA, AND SERUM We offer a wide range of whole blood, red blood cells, plasma, and serum products from species large and small. From specialized blood products (defibrinated, laked, lysed, and more) to complementpreserved and heat inactivated serum options, we have the high-quality reagents trusted by top researchers and institutions around the world.

ANIMAL TISSUES AND ORGANS Our animal tissues and organs are available fresh or frozen, and we can process each order to exact specifications to ensure that the product requested meets the research need. Available species include Bovine, Canine, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Mouse, Porcine, Rabbit, Rat, and more. We are able to accommodate most custom collection and processing requests.

PROTEINS AND ANTIBODIES We offer highly purified proteins from a wide range of animal sources, including large animals and small rodents. We also carry polyclonal antibodies in differing purifications (antiserum, fractionated, affinity purified, etc) as well as monoclonal antibodies suitable for applications like Western Blot, as ELISA Standards, Immunohistochemistry, and more.

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