
  文件名稱:  Innovative Research Pediatric Biologicals
  公司名稱:  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   1674

Innovative Research Pediatric  Biologicals

Of f e r i n g a r a n g e of Pediatric Biologicals Collected from juvenile patients, our range of pediatric biologicals for in-vitro research use include standard blood products like whole blood, plasma, and serum, as well as other frequently-requested biological samples like fecal matter/stool samples, urine, and saliva. Pediatric biospecimens are available in a wide range of age groups (product-specific) to ensure that you are able to source the exact material needed for your research application. In many cases, we are also able to accommodate custom collection and custom demographic requests, as well as prospective collections to ensure your materials are what you need, when you need them.

Products Available Include: ? Single Donor Human Pediatric Whole Blood ? Single Donor Human Pediatric Serum ? Single Donor Human Pediatric Plasma ? Single Donor Human Pediatric Saliva ? Single Donor Human Pediatric Fecal Matter ? Single Donor Human Pediatric Urine

Variety of Ages Available Pediatric blood-derived products are available from single donors in the age group that best meets your research need. Typically these options include 0-3yrs, 4-7yrs, 8-10yrs, 11-14yrs, and 15- 17yrs, but this may vary slightly by product.

Parental Approval Pediatric biospecimens are collected with full parental consent and approval. The samples ship with basic demographic information, as available (age, gender, etc) but are not personallyidentifiable and remain anonymous.

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